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Jawaban soal 2

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Listing FormBarang
Sub hapus()
Kode.Enabled = True
ClearFORM Me
Call RubahCMD(Me, True, False, False, False)
CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"
End Sub

Sub ProsesDB(Log As Byte)
Select Case Log

Case 0
SQL = "insert into Barang(kode,nama,harga)" & _
"values('" & Kode.Text & _
"','" & Nama.Text & _
"','" & Harga.Text & "')"

Case 1
SQL = "update Barang set nama='" & Nama.Text & "'," & _
"harga= '" & Harga.Text & "'" & _
"where kode='" & Kode.Text & "'"

Case 2
SQL = "delete from Barang where kode='" & Kode.Text & "'"
End Select
 MsgBox "Pemrosesan record database telah berhasil...!", vbInformation, "data Barang"
 Db.Execute SQL, adCmdTable
 Call hapus

End Sub

Sub TampilBarang()
On Error Resume Next
Kode.Text = RS!Kode
Nama.Text = RS!Nama
Harga.Text = RS!Harga

End Sub

Private Sub cmdproses_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0
    Call hapus
Case 1
    If CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Simpan" Then
    Call ProsesDB(0)
    Call ProsesDB(1)
    End If
Case 2
    X = MsgBox("Yakin RECORD Barang akan dihapus...!", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Barang")
    If X = vbYes Then ProsesDB 2
    Call hapus
Case 3
    Call hapus
Case 4
    Unload Me
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call hapus
End Sub

Private Sub kode_keypress(keyascii As Integer)
If keyascii = 13 Then
    If Kode.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox "Masukkan Kode Barang! ", vbInformation, "Barang"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    SQL = "SELECT * FROM Barang WHERE Kode='" & Kode.Text & "' "
    If RS.State = adStateOpen Then RS.Close
    RS.Open SQL, Db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    If RS.RecordCount <> 0 Then
        Call RubahCMD(Me, False, True, True, True)
        CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Edit"
        Kode.Enabled = False
        X = Kode.Text
        Call hapus
        Kode.Text = X
            Call RubahCMD(Me, False, True, False, True)
            CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"
    End If
End If
End Sub

Sub MulaiServer()
WS.LocalPort = 1000

End Sub

Private Sub ws_connectionrequest(ByVal requestid As Long)
WS.Accept requestid
Me.Caption = "server-client" & WS.RemoteHostIP & "connect"
End Sub

Private Sub ws_dataarrival(ByVal bytestotal As Long)
    Dim xKirim As String
    Dim xData1() As String
    Dim xData2() As String
    WS.GetData xKirim, vbString, bytestotal
    xData1 = Split(xKirim, "-")
    Select Case xData1(0)
        Case "SEARCH"
            SQL = "SELECT * FROM Barang WHERE Kode='" & xData1(1) & "' "
            If RS.State = adStateOpen Then RS.Close
            RS.Open SQL, Db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
            If RS.RecordCount <> 0 Then
                WS.SendData "RECORD-" & RS!Nama & "/" & RS!Harga
                WS.SendData "NOTHING-DATA"
            End If
        Case "INSERT"
            Db.Execute xData1(1), adCmdTable
            WS.SendData " INSERT-xxx"
         Case "DELETE"
            SQL = " Delete * from Barang " & _
                " where Kode = '" & xData1(1) & "' "
                Db.Execute SQL, adCmdTable
                WS.SendData "DEL-xxx"
        Case "UPDATE"
            Db.Execute xData1(1), adCmdTable
            WS.SendData "EDIT-xxx"
    End Select
End Sub

Listing Modul

Public Db As New ADODB.Connection
Public RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Public RS2 As New ADODB.Recordset
Public SQL As String

If Db.State = adStateOpen Then Db.Close
Db.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Belajar Server\test.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
End Sub

Sub ClearFORM(f As Form)
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In f
If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
If TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
End Sub

Sub Center(f As Form)
f.Move (Screen.Width - f.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - f.Height) / 4
End Sub

Sub RubahCMD(f As Form, L0 As Boolean, L1 As Boolean, L2 As Boolean, L3 As Boolean)
f.CmdProses(0).Enabled = L0
f.CmdProses(1).Enabled = L1
f.CmdProses(2).Enabled = L2
f.CmdProses(3).Enabled = L3
End Sub


Listing FormBarang

Dim IPServer As String

Sub Hapus()
    Kode.Enabled = True
    ClearFORM Me
    Call RubahCMD(Me, True, False, False, False)
    CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"
End Sub

Sub ProsesDB(Log As Byte)
Select Case Log
    Case 0
        SQL = "INSERT INTO Barang(Kode,Nama,Harga)" & _
        "values('" & Kode.Text & _
        "','" & Nama.Text & _
        "','" & Harga.Text & "')"
    Case 1
        SQL = "UPDATE Barang Set Nama='" & Nama.Text & "'," & _
            "Harga='" & Harga.Text & "'," & _
            "where Kode='" & Kode.Text & "'"
    Case 2
        SQL = " DELETE FROM Barang WHERE Kode='" & Kode.Text & "'"
    End Select
    MsgBox "Pemrosesan RECORD Database telah berhasil....!", vbInformation, "Data Barang"
    Call Hapus
End Sub

Sub MulaiKoneksi()
IPServer = ""
IPClient = WS.LocalIP
WS.Connect IPServer, 1000
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Kode_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
  If Kode.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
  WS.SendData "SEARCH-" & Kode.Text
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CmdProses_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
    Case 0
        Call Hapus
    Case 1
        If CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Simpan" Then
         SQL = "INSERT INTO Barang(Kode,Nama,Harga) " & _
        "values('" & Kode.Text & _
        "','" & Nama.Text & _
        "','" & Harga.Text & "')"
        WS.SendData "INSERT-" & SQL
            SQL = "UPDATE Barang Set " & _
                "nama='" & Nama.Text & _
                "',harga='" & Harga.Text & _
                "' where kode = '" & Kode.Text & "'"
            WS.SendData "UPDATE-" & SQL
        End If
        Call Hapus
    Case 2
        X = MsgBox("Yakin RECORD Barang Akan Dihapus.....!", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Barang")
        If X = vbYes Then
            WS.SendData "DELETE-" & Kode.Text
        End If
        Call Hapus
    Case 3
        Call Hapus
    Case 4
        Unload Me
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call Hapus
End Sub

Private Sub WS_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim xKirim As String
Dim xData1() As String
Dim xData2() As String

WS.GetData xKirim, vbString, bytesTotal

xData1 = Split(xKirim, "-")
xData2 = Split(xData1(1), "/")

Select Case xData1(0)
    Case "NOTHING"
        X = Kode.Text
        Call Hapus
        Kode.Text = X
        Call RubahCMD(Me, False, True, False, True)
        CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"
    Case "RECORD"
        xData2 = Split(xData1(1), "/")
        Nama.Text = xData2(0)
        Harga.Text = xData2(1)
        Call RubahCMD(Me, False, True, True, True)
        CmdProses(1).Caption = "&Edit"
        Kode.Enabled = False
    Case "INSERT"
        MsgBox "Penyimpanan Berhasil!"
        Call Hapus
    Case "DEL"
        MsgBox "Penghapusan Data Berhasil!"
        Call Hapus
    Case "EDIT"
        MsgBox "Pengeditan Record Berhasil!"
        Call Hapus
End Select
End Sub

Listing Modul
Public SQL As String

Sub ClearFORM(f As Form)
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In f
    If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
    If TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
End Sub

Sub Center(f As Form)
f.Move (Screen.Width - f.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - f.Height) / 4
End Sub

Sub RubahCMD(f As Form, L0 As Boolean, L1 As Boolean, L2 As Boolean, L3 As Boolean)
f.CmdProses(0).Enabled = L0
f.CmdProses(1).Enabled = L1
f.CmdProses(2).Enabled = L2
f.CmdProses(3).Enabled = L3
End Sub




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Jawaban Soal 3

lihat soal disini


Dim ClientIndex As Byte
Dim cRequest As Integer
Dim cData As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim iGD As Integer

Sub MulaiServer()
        WS(0).LocalPort = 3000
        cRequest = 1
        ClientIndex = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
        GD.Rows = 41
        For i = 1 To 40
            GD.Col = 0
            GD.Row = i
            GD.Text = i
        Next i
        iGD = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

    For i = 1 To GD.Rows - 1
        GD.Row = i
        GD.Col = 4
        If GD.Text = "START" Then
            GD.Col = 3
            GD.Text = Time
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
WS.SendData "PAKAI-" & Pakai.Value & "/" & 3000
End Sub

Private Sub WS_ConnectionRequest(index As Integer, ByVal requestID As Long)
        Load WS(cRequest)
        WS(cRequest).Accept requestID
        cRequest = cRequest + 1 '
Timer1.Enabled = True
Timer2.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub WS_DataArrival(index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
        WS(index).GetData cData, vbString, bytesTotal
        Call CekData(index)
End Sub

Sub CekData(index)
        Dim kata() As String
        kata = Split(cData, "-")
        Select Case kata(0)
        Case "START"
                        GD.Row = iGD
                        GD.Col = 1
                        GD.Text = kata(1) 'WS(index).RemoteHostIP
                        GD.Col = 2
                        GD.Text = Time
                        GD.Col = 4
                        GD.Text = "START"
                        GD.Col = 5
                        GD.Text = kata(2)
                        iGD = iGD
        Case "STOP"
            For i = 1 To GD.Rows - 1
                GD.Row = i
                GD.Col = 1
                If GD.Text = kata(1) Then
                        GD.Col = 4
                        GD.Text = "STOP"
                End If
            Next i
        End Select
End Sub
Private Sub WS_Error(index As Integer, ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)
End Sub


Dim IPS As String
Dim User As String

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    WS.SendData "START-" & User & "-mandasari"
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    WS.SendData "STOP-" & User
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    IPS = ""
    User = WS.LocalIP
    WS.Connect IPS, 3000
End Sub

Private Sub WS_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
WS.GetData xKirim, vbString, bytesTotal
Call CheckData
End Sub

Sub CheckData()
xdata1 = Split(xKirim, "-")
xdata2 = Split(xdata1(1), "/")

Select Case xdata1(0)
    Case "PAKAI"
    mulai.Value = xdata2(0)
    selesai.Value = xdata2(1)
    pakai.Value = xdata2(2)
    biaya.Text = (Val(Hour(pakai.Value) * 60) + Val(Minute(pakai.Value) * 50))
    End Select
End Sub

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Program Server

* Buat database dengan nama database dbbuku.mdb
* Buat tabel buku seperti di bawah ini
field : kdbuku, judul, pengarang, penerbit, tahun, edisi, harga, jumlah
* Dan tabel login, seperti di bawah ini
field : user, password
* Buka Visual Basic 6.0,
* Desain Formbuku, Login, MDIForm1

*Listing program pada Login :

Private Sub masuk_Click()
If user.Text = "manda" And password.Text = "1234" Then
ElseIf user.Text = "" & password.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Silahkan masukkan password login", vbCritical, "info"
MsgBox "password yang anda inputkan salah", vbCritical, "info"
user.Text = ""
password.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub keluar_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
user.Text = ""
password.Text = ""
password.PasswordChar = "*"
End Sub

*Listing tampilan menu (MDIForm1) :

Private Sub keluar_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub buku_Click()
End Sub

*Listing pada modul program :

Public db As New ADODB.Connection
Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Public rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset
Public SQL As String
Sub opendb()
    If db.State = adStateOpen Then db.Close
    db.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    db.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & _ "\dbbuku.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
End Sub
Sub clearform(f As Form)
    Dim ctl As Control
    For Each ctl In f
        If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
        If TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
End Sub
Sub center(f As Form)
    f.Move (Screen.Width - f.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - f.Height) / 4
End Sub
Sub rubahcmd(f As Form, L0 As Boolean, L1 As Boolean, L2 As Boolean, L3 As Boolean)
    f.cmdproses(0).Enabled = L0
    f.cmdproses(1).Enabled = L1
    f.cmdproses(2).Enabled = L2
    f.cmdproses(3).Enabled = L3
End Sub

*Listing program pada Formbuku :

Sub hapus()
kdbuku.Enabled = True
clearform Me
Call rubahcmd(Me, True, False, False, False)
cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"
End Sub

Sub prosesDB(log As Byte)
Select Case log

    Case 0
        SQL = "INSERT INTO buku(kdbuku,judul,pengarang,penerbit,tahun,edisi,harga,jumlah)" & _
        "values('" & kdbuku.Text & _
        "','" & judul.Text & _
        "','" & pengarang.Text & _
        "','" & penerbit.Text & _
        "','" & tahun.Text & _
        "','" & edisi.Text & _
        "','" & harga.Text & _
        "','" & jumlah.Text & "')"
    Case 1
        SQL = "UPDATE buku SET judul='" & judul.Text & "'," & _
            "pengarang='" & pengarang.Text & "'" & _
            "penerbit='" & penerbit.Text & "'" & _
            "tahun='" & tahun.Text & "'" & _
            "edisi='" & edisi.Text & "'" & _
            "harga='" & harga.Text & "'" & _
            "jumlah='" & jumlah.Text & "'" & _
            "WHERE kdbuku='" & kdbuku.Text & "'"
    Case 2
        SQL = "DELETE  FROM buku WHERE kdbuku='" & kdbuku.Text & "'"
    End Select
MsgBox "Pemrosesan record Database telah berhasil....!!", vbInformation, "dbbuku"
    db.Execute SQL, adCmdTable
    Call hapus

End Sub

Sub tampilbuku()
    On Error Resume Next
    kdbuku.Text = rs!kdbuku
    judul.Text = rs!judul
    pengarang.Text = rs!pengarang
    penerbit.Text = rs!penerbit
    tahun.Text = rs!tahun
    edisi.Text = rs!edisi
    harga.Text = rs!harga
    jumlah.Text = rs!jumlah
End Sub

Private Sub cmdproses_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
    Case 0
        Call hapus
    Case 1
        If cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan" Then
            Call prosesDB(0)
            Call prosesDB(1)
        End If
    Case 2
        X = MsgBox("yakin RECORD buku akan dihapus...!", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "buku")
        If X = vbYes Then prosesDB 2
        Call hapus
    Case 3
        Call hapus
    Case 4
    Unload Me
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call opendb
Call hapus
End Sub

Private Sub kdbuku_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
    If kdbuku.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox "Masukkan kode buku!", vbInformation, "buku"
        Exit Sub
End If
SQL = "SELECT * FROM buku WHERE kdbuku='" & kdbuku.Text & "'"
If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close
rs.Open SQL, db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    Call rubahcmd(Me, False, True, True, True)
    cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Edit"
    kdbuku.Enabled = False

        X = kdbuku.Text
        Call hapus
        kdbuku.Text = X
        Call rubahcmd(Me, False, True, False, True)
          cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub mulaiserver()
ws.LocalPort = 1000

End Sub

Private Sub ws_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)
ws.Accept requestID
Me.Caption = "server-client" & ws.RemoteHostIP & "connect"

End Sub

Private Sub ws_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim xkirim As String
Dim xData1() As String
Dim xData2() As String
ws.GetData xkirim, vbString, bytesTotal

xData1 = Split(xkirim, "-")
Select Case xData1(0)
    Case "SEARCH"
        SQL = "SELECT * FROM buku WHERE kdbuku='" & xData1(1) & "'"
    If rs.State = adStateOpen Then rs.Close
    rs.Open SQL, db, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    ws.SendData "RECORD-" & rs!judul & "/" & rs!pengarang & "/" & rs!penerbit & "/" & rs!tahun & "/" & rs!edisi & "/" & rs!harga & "/" & rs!jumlah
        ws.SendData "NOTHING-DATA"
    End If
    Case "INSERT"
    db.Execute xData1(1), adCmdTable
    ws.SendData "INSERT-XXX"

    Case "EDIT"
    db.Execute xData1(1), adCmdTable
    ws.SendData "EDIT-XXX"

    Case "DELETE"
    SQL = "DELETE * FROM buku WHERE kdbuku='" & xData1(1) & "'"
    db.Execute SQL, adCmdTable
    ws.SendData "DEL-XXX"

    End Select
End Sub

Program Client

*Listing program pada Login :

Private Sub masuk_Click()
If user.Text = "siska" And password.Text = "1234" Then
ElseIf user.Text = "" & password.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Silahkan masukkan password login", vbCritical, "info"
MsgBox "password yang anda inputkan salah", vbCritical, "info"
user.Text = ""
password.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub keluar_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
user.Text = ""
password.Text = ""
password.PasswordChar = "*"
End Sub

*Listing pada modul program :

Public SQL As String
Sub ClearFORM(f As Form)
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In f
    If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
    If TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
End Sub
Sub Center(f As Form)
f.Move (Screen.Width - f.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - f.Height) / 4
End Sub
Sub rubahCMD(f As Form, L0 As Boolean, L1 As Boolean, L2 As Boolean, L3 As Boolean)
f.cmdproses(0).Enabled = L0
f.cmdproses(1).Enabled = L1
f.cmdproses(2).Enabled = L2
f.cmdproses(3).Enabled = L3
End Sub

*Listing program pada Formbuku :

Dim IPServer As String
Sub hapus()
kdbuku.Enabled = True
ClearFORM Me
Call rubahCMD(Me, True, False, False, False)
cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"
End Sub
Sub prosesDB(log As Byte)
Select Case log
Case 0
SQL = "INSERT INTO buku(kdbuku,judul,pengarang,penerbit,tahun,edisi,harga,jumlah)" & _
"values('" & kdbuku.Text & _
"','" & judul.Text & _
"','" & pengarang.Text & _
"','" & penerbit.Text & _
"','" & tahun.Text & _
"','" & edisi.Text & _
"','" & harga.Text & _
"','" & jumlah.Text & "')"
Case 1
SQL = "UPDATE buku SET judul='" & judul.Text & "'," & _
"pengarang='" & pengarang.Text & "' " & _
"penerbit='" & penerbit.Text & "' " & _
"tahun='" & tahun.Text & "' " & _
"edisi='" & edisi.Text & "' " & _
"harga='" & harga.Text & "' " & _
"jumlah='" & jumlah.Text & "' " & _
"where kdbuku='" & kdbuku.Text & "'"
Case 2
SQL = "DELETE FROM buku WHERE kdbuku='" & kdbuku.Text & "'"
End Select
MsgBox "pemrosesan RECORD database telah berhasil...!", vbInformation, "dbbuku"
Call hapus
End Sub

Private Sub cmdproses_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0
Call hapus
Case 1
If cmdproses(1).Caption = " &Simpan" Then
SQL = "INSERT INTO buku(kdbuku,judul,pengarang,penerbit,tahun,edisi,harga,jumlah)" & _
"values('" & kdbuku.Text & _
"','" & judul.Text & _
"','" & pengarang.Text & _
"','" & penerbit.Text & _
"','" & tahun.Text & _
"','" & edisi.Text & _
"','" & harga.Text & _
"','" & jumlah.Text & "')"
ws.SendData "UPDATE-" & SQL
SQL = "UPDATE buku SET judul = '" & judul.Text & "'," & _
"' , pengarang = '" & pengarang.Text & _
"' , penerbit= '" & penerbit.Text & _
"' , tahun= '" & tahun.Text & _
"' , edisi= '" & edisi.Text & _
"' , harga= '" & harga.Text & _
"' , jumlah= '" & jumlah.Text & _
"' where kdbuku= '" & kdbuku.Text & "'"
ws.SendData "UPDATE-" & SQL
End If
Case 2
X = MsgBox("yakin RECORD buku akan dihapus...!", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "buku")
If X = vbYes Then
ws.SendData "DELETE-" & kdbuku.Text
End If
Call hapus
Case 3
Call hapus
Case 4
Unload Me
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call hapus
End Sub
Private Sub kdbuku_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
If kdbuku.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
ws.SendData "SEARCH-" & kdbuku.Text
End If
End Sub
Sub mulaikoneksi()
IPServer = ""
IPClient = ws.LocalIP
ws.Connect IPServer, 1000
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub ws_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim xkirim As String
Dim xdata1() As String
Dim xdata2() As String
Dim xdata3() As String
Dim xdata4() As String
ws.GetData xkirim, vbString, bytesTotal
xdata1 = Split(xkirim, "-")
 Select Case xdata1(0)
 X = kdbuku.Text
 Call hapus
 kdbuku.Text = X
 Call rubahCMD(Me, False, True, False, True)
 cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Simpan"

 Case "RECORD"
 xdata2 = Split(xdata1(1), "/")
 judul.Text = xdata2(0)
 penerbit.Text = xdata2(1)
 harga.Text = xdata2(2)
 jumlah.Text = xdata2(3)

 Call rubahCMD(Me, False, True, True, True)
 cmdproses(1).Caption = "&Edit"
 kdbuku.Enabled = False

 Case "DEL"
 MsgBox "penghapusan data berhasil!"
 Call hapus

 Case "EDIT"
 MsgBox "Pengeditan Record berhasil!"
 Call hapus
 End Select
End Sub

*Listing tampilan menu (MDIForm1) :

Private Sub keluar_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub buku_Click()
End Sub

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Pengertian Key dalam Database

Key adalah satu gabungan dari beberapa atribut yang dapat membedakan semua basis data (row) dalam tabel secara unik. Dan macam-macam Key adalah :
a.          Kandidat key (Kunci kandidat/kunci calon)
Kunci kandidat adalah suatu atribut atau satu set minimal atribut yang hanya mengidentifikasikan secar unik untuk suatu kejadian spesifik dari entitas.
b.      Primary Key (Kunci Primer)
Kunci primer adalah suatu atribut atau satu set minimal atribut yang tidak hanya mendefinisikan secara unik suatu kejadian spesifik tetapi juga dapat mewakili setiap kejadian dari suatu kejadian.
c.           Alternatif Key (kunci Alternatif)
Kunci alternatif adalah kunci kandidat yang tidak dipakai sebagai primary key.
d.      Foreign Key (Kunci Tamu)
Kunci tamu adalah satu set atribut atau set atribut yang melengkapi satu relationship (hubungan ) yang menunjuk keinduknya.

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kegiatan, 13 oktober 2011

            Menghadiri rapat organisasi Punguan Pemuda Nababan – kota Medan (PPN-Kota Medan) yang diadakan di Universitas HKBP Nomensen dalam rangka pembentukan badan Pengurus Harian PPN – Kota Medan.
            Saya terpilih sebagai sekertaris PPN – Kota Medan . Dan saya bangga bisa menjadi bagian dari Organisasi ini .

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kegiatan hari ini!

Seru-seruan bersama teman-teman...
Hari ini menyenangkan sekali dan moment yang seperti ini jarang kami lakukan dikarnakan aktivitas masing-masing. Bahagia bercampur haru, karena salah seorang temanku putus dengan pacarnya.
Sambil mendengarkan curhat teman yang lagi galau sama pacarnya, aku dan teman yang lainnya memasak indomie buat kami makan agar suasana gak boring.
yammiiii masakannya uenakkk bangetz....

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About me…
Saya terlahir dari keluarga sederhana, ayah seorang karyawan swasta dan ibu bertani. Kehidupan yang saya jalani sama seperti orang-orang pada umumnya. Bermain, sekolah, beribadah, dsb. Meskipun berasal dari keluarga sederhana, saya tetap mensyukuri apa yang menjadi jalan hidup saya. Karena apapun yang telah diberikan Tuhan kepada saya merupakan anugerah yang pada akhirnya berbuah bahagia.
                Kami 6 bersaudara, semua wanita dan saya anak pertama. Saya sendiri masih dalam tahap kuliah dan sekarang semester V, paling kecil saudara saya kelas 6 SD dan satu diantara adik saya sudah bekerja di SMA Putra Harapan Sibolga sebagai staf keuangan. Puji Tuhan dengan bekerjanya dia sedikit mengurangi beban orang tua kami.
                Menjalani kehidupan ini tidak sedikit kesulitan yang saya alami bersama orang tua dan saudara saya. Yang terkadang kesulitan itu menyurutkan semangat saya untuk melanjutkan jalan cerita hidup ini. Tapi inilah hidup! Tidak ada kebahagiaan yang kekal dibumi. Tahap demi tahap yang telah ditentukan oleh yang empunya kuasa harus kita lalui. Dukungan, saran dan nasehat dari orangtua sangat-sangat mempengaruhi bagus tidaknya jalan yang kutempuh! Dan aku bersyukur karna Tuhan telah menganugrahiku sosok orangtua yang begitu baik dan mengerti apa yang diperlukan anaknya.

Pengalaman hidup membuat ku kuat dan menjadi selalu siap menerima kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang terburuk sekalipun. Setiap airmata dan kesakitan yang kurasakan, kujadikan guru yang menuntun dan memotivasiku untuk melakukan yang terbaik.

thanks God because I'm very very happy to have a family that is always there in times and bad

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